Strategic inputs for a 5 year country plan
Malala Fund
Education, Child Rights, Rights

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Engagement objective
Malala Fund has supported national, state and district level NGO partners in India to improve opportunities for girls to complete a full course of free, safe and quality education.
In 2020, Malala Fund adopted a five-year global strategic plan focused on improving financing for education, education quality and social norms favourable to girls' education. The strategic plan commits Malala Fund to deepening and expanding its work in India and involves expansion of programmes and advocacy offerings in-country.
StratComm was engaged by Malala Fund to undertake a situational analysis and strategic review to support an evidence-based India Country Strategic Plan (CSP).
Our process
The review and analysis included geographical analysis, population groups consideration parameters, gender analysis, analysis of the political economy of girls’ education nationally and in focal states. We brought together the fund’s global and in-country team along with experts in education, youth development, gender as well as rights to share their perspectives, advise, guide and review the situational analysis and strategic review documents.
In-depth discussions were also undertaken with partners, education champions, government officials, children, parents and teachers.
Key outcomes
The situation analysis document provides insights on the landscape of girls’ education in India, at the national level, and within select states of Assam, Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh (MP), Odisha, and Uttar Pradesh (UP). The strategic review document provides insights into priority geographies, population groups, public financing, policy pathways, key programmatic interventions, significant donor contributions as well as risks, opportunities, partnerships.
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