Codification of proprietary programming model
Child in Need Institute
Strategy, Storytelling
Child Rights, Rights, Organisational Communication, Education, Health, Nutrition, Child Protection

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Engagement objective
CINI has been a leader in rights-based programming for children and over the years has used the human rights based approach for programming to realise child rights in communities.
StratComm was approached by CINI to codify their proprietary human rights based approach for programming, ‘The CINI Method’ and develop resources for strategic implementation of the the model and communication about the model with donors, partners and other organisations already working or considering working in the space of children’s rights and development.
Our process
The process involved intensive desk review of CINI’s programmes, strategies and plans, and regular consultations with thematic leads. This supported the codification development of the theory of change and these were used as base as we developed a wide range of publications, for programme implementation and communication.
Key outcome
The CINI Method Resource Kit includes programme, training and communication tools, available to organisations and practitioners interested in adopting human rights-based development programming for and with children.
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